#9 Personalised Contagion Advice Tool

Goal / Problem Statement

The advice that is given to the public is general and would ideally be tailored around the lives of each person. If the advice could be tailored to the specific needs of

  • Person
  • Business
  • Community Organisation

It could greatly help provide detailed, relevant advice to all sectors of society

Solution Summary

To create a digital database of advisory notes for

  • People (Parents, older age person, teenagers etc
  • Businesses (Retailer work, construction worker, etc)
  • Clubs/Groups (Sports groups, schools, social groups)

Example for “People” custom report

We then publish a customised form and invite people to take the survey. They

a) Select their town/county

b) Select their profession

c) Select life circumstances

When they submit, it will then retrieve the specific advisory notes related to their town/profession/life circumstances


If people tick box to say they smoke, then we can give advice to them to reduce the risk of touching the cigarette tip with their hands

If someone uses a car, advise on best practise using the steering wheel, washing hands after etc

If someone is responsible for making family meals, best practise to ensure they reduce risk of spreading


  • Build a digital knowledge library & front end survey form
  • Invite team of relevant experts to
    1. Prepare risk assessment for all segments
    2. Define corresponding advisory notes
    3. Add advisory notes to system and tag by segment
    4. (Time permitting, create short videos and illustration to help explain any point in greater detail)
  • Publicise the system, allow people to access up to date, location, profession &  life relevant manuals and advice

Volunteer Partner

  • If you are interested in supporting this project please contact us on the form below. We require people with expertise to prepare the risk assessment and segmented advice.


Video Summary


Project Manager


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