eTownz / Community Research Alliance: COVID19 Response Project Update 2.4.20
Our covid19 community response project has been moving forward over the past few days and a number of key achievements which include:
- Partners – Irish Rural Link, Collaboration Ireland, National Rural Network, Engineers Without Borders Ireland and other organisations have come onboard to help develop and disseminate solutions
- Website & Resources: We have realigned the projects website to make it clearer and launched sections such as:
- Data Hub: which relates to data and community response https://resource.communityresearchalliance.com/data-hub/ this includes very interesting data visualisation shared with us by Conor Gleeson & Adam Corcoran (thanks gusy)
- Training Hub: Simple libraries of “How To” videos for those involved in community development https://resource.communityresearchalliance.com/training-hub/
- Community Planning: We are actively working on a blueprint for community action with a number of partners https://resource.communityresearchalliance.com/knowledge-hub/
- Communications: We are preparing some simple tools to help local communications
- Dissemination: We launched a FB group specifically for social media managers of community pages https://www.facebook.com/groups/CovidLocalCommunications/ to join.
- 3D Printed Handle Extensions: Our friends in Engineers Without Borders are leading a project related to this project. Check out their page for ongoing updates. https://www.facebook.com/ewbireland/
We will endeavour to keep you updated going forward if you’re interested in helping any of these projects or utilising any of these tools. Please contact us at etownz.com
eTownz Team & Partners